The Yoga Sutras of Patañali, written aproximately 200 before or after common era by the sage Patañali succinctly outlines the art and science of Yoga meditation for Self-Realization.
It is a process of systematically encountering, examining, and transcending each of the various gross and subtle levels of false identity in the mind field, until the jewel of the true Self comes shining through.
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Interpretive Translation
(Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati)
3.15: kra-anyatvam parinamah-anyatve hetuh
Change in the sequence of the characteristics is the cause for the different appearances of results, consequences, or effects.
3.16: parinamatraya-samyamat atita-anagata-jnanam
Samyama (meditation) on the three types of change gives rise to knowledge of the past and the future.
4.2: jattyantara-parinamah prakrti-apura
Physical transformation engenders inner transformation of the form of existence.
4.14: parinama-ekatvat vastu-tattvam
The uniqueness of change comprises the essence of everything.
4.33: ksana-pratiyogi parinama-aparanta nirgrahyah kramah
The experience of a sequencing process of moments and changes comes to an end, thus making chance (kramah) a real experience.
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