You will develop some mastery over your wild mind by training it to remain fixed
on a single object, the breath.
One tries to keep one's attention on the
respiration for as long as possible.
This is not a breathing exercise;
one does not regulate the breath.
Instead, one observes natural
respiration as it is, as it comes in, as it goes out.
In this way one
further calms the mind so that it is no longer overpowered by intense
negativities. At the same time, one is concentrating the mind, making it
sharp and penetrating, capable of the work of insight.
Vipassana (Pali) means to see things as they really are.
The practice of this ancient technique helps you to realize that nothing is permanent - there is constant changing going on (anicca).
The acceptance of this and the continuously analytic observation of yourself leads to experiential knowledge of the truth (bhavana mayapanna) to experiential wisdom.
The understanding of this leads to real peace and real happiness.
May all beings be happy, peaceful and liberated!